Friday, May 26, 2006


Answering the Call of God

Liz Langley, Pop Culture columnist for the Orlando (Florida) Sentinel, has the Funny Bit of the Day Award (so far). Talking about Pat Robertson's latest attack of foot-in-mouth, she starts off:

My mother always said that God watches over the simpletons of the world. She never said who looked out for those of us who had to put up with said simpletons. Presumably some minor deity who only works part time and takes a lot of smoke breaks.

Conceding that "Pat Robertson is no simpleton" (everyone is entitled to be wrong some of the time) she nonetheless goes on to point out:

Robertson said that God told him some terrible storms would hit the U.S. coast this year. The Associated Press quotes Robertson as saying, "If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms," and "there well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest."

Now, it's not the weather forecast that makes this a special episode of It's Pat! It's the qualifier: "if." If he heard the Lord right? What happened, lousy cell reception? This is a pretty important interview not to screw up, or so you would think. If a god, any god, condescended to talk to you, you should probably pay attention, perhaps even grab a pencil, especially if you're a fan.

As she sums up Robertson nicely:

It's never a question of if the guy is going to pop out of the clock and yell "Cuckoo!" it's just a question of when.

Can you hear me now?

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